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How To Fix A Portable Air Conditioner Not Draining Water

Summer’s quickly approaching, and the last thing you want to think about is an air conditioner that’s not draining water properly. There are three different kinds of portable air conditioners; window, portable, and evaporative.

All three have pros and cons that might be better suited for your home and lifestyle than the others. If you’re experiencing issues with your portable air conditioner, here’s how to troubleshoot it to solve problems quickly and easily!

In my case, my portable air conditioner did not drain water properly due to which my cooling also get affected alot. It was throwing hot air instead of a cold one and I was guide rattled and did not know what to do. Then, a friend of mine guided me which grew my interest in this topic. Here is what I did.

Quickly and Easily Fix a Portable Air Conditioner That's Not Draining Water

Check your hose/tube connection that drains the water

If you find that your portable air conditioner is not draining water, then it may just be a connection issue. This can be fixed by simply disconnecting the hose from the portable air conditioner. Next, disconnect the drain hose from the water pump of your appliance.

If there are any kinks in this hose, adjust as needed. Make sure that there is no debris in either of these connections as this can cause leaks or blockages. Finally, make sure that your hose is long enough for both ends to reach an open space with water around it before reconnecting everything.

Remove the portable air conditioner panel

If your air conditioner isn’t draining water, the problem may be as simple as removing debris from around the drain. You can follow these short steps:

1) Turn off the power and pull out the hose that connects to the drain.

2) Remove any visible clogs by using a rag or toilet plunger.

3) Pour hot water down the hose until it is full, then shake or wring out excess liquid.

4) Connect everything back together and turn on the power.

5) After 12 hours of operation, look at the floor below your air conditioner again for signs of water accumulation

Clean out all the water

If you find that your portable air conditioner is not draining the water properly, you can try the water why it is not pouring.

First, it may be an issue with the drain pan not being large enough. To fix this, purchase a new drain pan or put out a clean metal tray (something that won’t rust) underneath your air conditioner.

Second, make sure you don’t have any unwanted objects around the base of your air conditioner. This includes pets or children, furniture, or even clothes in high-humidity areas.

Reconnect everything properly

If your portable air conditioner isn’t draining water, you can try to disconnect everything and then reconnect it. You can also:

– Check for leaks by looking in various places. In other words, go from hose connection to hose connection, checking both tops of the unit and the bottom of the unit for leaks.

– Be sure that the inlet valve (found on top) is closed tight. If not, turn off the power switch at this point. Close off with a bungee cord or electrical tape if necessary.

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Turn on electricity back on

You can use the following procedures to diagnose the issue:

– Check the circuit breaker. Is it off? If so, turn it back on. Is the reset button in place? Pressing the reset button may fix your problem. Has the power been out for a long time? If so, wait until the electricity is restored before turning your air conditioner back on.

– Make sure that no water has leaked onto any electrical components or that your air conditioner is sitting in water (making sure not to get electrocuted). You may need to move or even unplug your portable AC unit if there is any standing water near it.


How to clean a portable air conditioner water tank?

The first thing you need to do is turn off the portable air conditioner and unplug it. Next, take the filter out of the back of the unit so that all water that may be trapped in there can drain out. After letting everything drain, empty any water that has been collected in the tank by filling it up, emptying it out three times, and repeating until it comes out clear.

You’ll also want to inspect any hoses coming from the unit for clogs or kinks, as this can cause water not to flow freely from your portable air conditioner. If you find one, run water through it for about five minutes before plugging your air conditioner back in.

DeLonghi portable air conditioner not evaporating water

If you’ve been using your DeLonghi portable air conditioner for some time, chances are that it has started running hot. This is usually due to the filter being clogged with mineral deposits.

Make sure you remove any debris from the AC vent at the top of the unit and make sure there is an ample amount of space between the drain tube from outside and where it attaches to your AC unit; dirt/debris can easily cause this problem as well.

You should also make sure that water has no leaks anywhere on or near your portable air conditioner before attempting to fix this issue yourself, water can cause damage in various areas of your AC if not drained properly.

What happens if AC doesn’t drain water?

One of the biggest issues with portable air conditioners is when they don’t drain water. If you see that your water isn’t draining out of the unit, there are some quick fixes you can do. First, check the front panel where it has the indicator lights, and if it doesn’t say that it’s draining, press and hold the low flow button for five seconds.

If this doesn’t work, press the power button, and if needed use the low flow button again. Make sure to unplug all cords from the power outlet after plugging them back in (to avoid an electrical shock).

You may also need to remove debris or ice build-up from the indoor coil, condensate pump impeller blades, or AC condensate drain pan outside ground level.

Also go through: Why Does My Air Conditioner Keep Turning Off By Itself? A Complete Guide


Eliminating water quickly is important because it prevents mold from growing in the air conditioner. This simple technique should clear up your problem. You can also call out an expert or purchase a new unit from Amazon if these steps are not successful.

It should take around 30 minutes for all of the water to be removed after unplugging the unit and removing the front cover. If you still have water after removing the front cover, turn off your power source at home for fifteen minutes so that any excess water will be emptied before you resume the use of your air conditioner again.

If you still got any queries, then do let me know in the comments section. I am available 24/7 for your assistance.

Talha Hanjra

Hi! I'm Talha Hanjra. I have a natural affinity for cutting-edge technological devices, and I enjoy finding solutions to their difficulties. I'll tell you how to fix various outdated gadgets and where to buy the best products. My research and experience will be of tremendous use to you.

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