Fix Window Air Conditioner Is Not Draining Water – A Complete Solution

If your window air conditioner starts to make more of a gurgling sound than the low hum it usually emits, you may notice that it’s not draining water like it usually does.

This means that the unit’s drain pan has stopped functioning properly, and now you need to take action before you have an overflow in your home! In this guide, I will tell you what to do if your window air conditioner isn’t draining water. As I am an experienced person in this field and I always insist on DIY.


My Window Air Conditioner is Not Draining Water!

Water not being drained into a bucket or sink

Many people are noticing that their window air conditioners are not draining water. When they used to and there could be a variety of reasons why.

First, it is important to make sure the AC unit in question is actually collecting water. This can be done by looking at the area around the base of the AC unit. After that check for a puddle. If there isn’t one, then the AC unit may not be causing any drain problems.

Some people also notice a constant dripping noise coming from their AC units. These drips will usually run onto. After that down a side table or clothing can leave stains if not dealt with quickly enough.

The Portable AC unit might be old

It sounds like your air conditioner has stopped draining the water and needs to be serviced. Check to see how old your unit is. If it’s not more than six years old, you may want to schedule an appointment with a licensed HVAC contractor. He can drain the water out of it and put it in a new condensation trap.

In the meantime, you may want to shut off your window air conditioner until a service person comes for repair. This will prevent excess water from damaging any other areas of your home. As well as damaging your air conditioner motor which might have been caused by corrosion from the water leak.

How long has it been leaking

A window air conditioner leaking water can happen for a few reasons. One of the more common reasons is that the drain tube may be clogged with debris or it could be filled with lint. If it’s your problem, you can easily take care of this by using a lint brush to clean out the drain tube.

Another reason an air conditioner might not drain water properly is that it’s filled to capacity and too much water has collected in the reservoir. Just add more distilled water until there’s enough room for it to work properly again and all should be well.

I’m guessing that I have some sort of blockage in my window AC drain tube because even after all this time I have never seen a single drop of water drained from my machine.

Is there any standing water under it

If there’s water pooling in front of the window air conditioner, it could mean that your condensate drain line is clogged. This can be checked by opening the cabinet behind your air conditioner and removing the cover to your condenser. You’ll see a tub here with a pipe coming out of it.

The water from inside should be running into this pipe and going out of a small vent on top. If you don’t see any water there, it might be clogged or frozen inside your furnace/AC unit–which can only be fixed by calling a professional for help.

Are you sure it’s supposed to be leaking

When window air conditioners are not draining water, it’s usually because there is too much humidity. The humidity and temperature in the room can make the coils on the window air conditioner heavier than normal, and this makes them drain less efficiently.

The solution to this issue will be to increase the airflow in your room by opening a nearby window or turning on a fan to help reduce the moisture content in the air. In addition, you can purchase a dehumidifier that will help remove excess moisture from your space. This should take care of your problem for good!

Where is the drain hole on the window air conditioner

An air conditioner’s drain hole should be in the bottom left-hand corner of the front panel. If you have difficulty seeing it, the hole may be either blocked by lint or debris that needs to be cleaned out, or it may have shifted to a different location on the frame as a result of being moved around in shipping.

If you suspect your window air conditioner has a leaky drain hose, locate its source of water intake and unplug the power cord before removing any panels. Plug up any holes on the inside and outside of your unit with duct tape. So that no outside moisture can seep in through cracks or come back out from the inside.


How can I fix this issue?

A few reasons your window air conditioner might not be draining water are. The drain tube has fallen out of place, there isn’t a seal around the condenser pan, or the float switch is not functioning properly. If any of these things are true, you should turn off the power to your unit and unplug it before you start any work.

You’ll want to examine your unit closely for problems with any of these points. Once you find where the water problem begins, remove it and clean or replace it. Make sure you do it before plugging in and turning on your window air conditioner again.

What happens if AC does not release water?

Air conditioners have a water pan that collects and absorbs the water that evaporates off the cooling coils. If this water pan fills to its limit, then the excess fluid is drained out of a special opening on the back of the unit.

When this overflow outlet becomes clogged with dirt and other debris, there is no place for it to go and the water will spill all over your floor instead.

To fix this, you’ll need to locate where your air conditioner’s drain connection goes. After that clean it out by hand or by using a simple plumbing snake if possible. A severe blockage may require you to call a qualified HVAC contractor for help with parts replacement. But if it just needs a thorough cleaning then you can take care of it yourself!

How do you unclog a window air conditioner drain line?

We’ve all experienced it. You turn on your window air conditioner and notice a puddle of water accumulating around the base of the unit. This happened to me over the past few days. So I wanted to share how I unclogged my window AC drain line.

The first thing you want to do is find out where the leak is coming from. This can be done by moving your unit around. If that’s not possible, turn off the power, then look underneath for any signs of leaks.

What happens if the AC condensate drain is clogged?

If the condensate drain becomes clogged or iced, water will start to accumulate in the bottom of your window AC unit. Eventually, it will leak onto your floor and form a puddle. If you are certain that water is only draining to the outside of your home and not onto your flooring, then you should contact your HVAC contractor to get and ask them to examine the device.

Alternatively, if it seems that some water is draining on the inside but this has been going on for quite a while. Moreover, there has not been any considerable flooding or damage, then some folks may recommend that you try adding bleach periodically to help clear out any sediment buildup inside of the unit.

Also read: Is Your Daikin AC Not Cooling? 5 Possible Reasons Why


The most likely culprit for this issue of Window Air Conditioner Not Draining Water is a broken drain pan. These pans usually have holes at the bottom to allow water to seep through them. After that exit through the weep holes located at the front and back of the air conditioner.

The water then drips out into a catch tray underneath your air conditioner. Here it should continue to drain from there. However, if you recently received a lot of rain or if your ground was frozen for an extended period of time, it’s possible that dirt and debris collected in this tray and clogged up any small openings near the bottom.

Talha Hanjra

Hi! I'm Talha Hanjra. I have a natural affinity for cutting-edge technological devices, and I enjoy finding solutions to their difficulties. I'll tell you how to fix various outdated gadgets and where to buy the best products. My research and experience will be of tremendous use to you.

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