Coffee Maker

How to make coffee on the stove? A Comprehensive Guide

Coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s a ritual, a source of comfort, and a daily necessity for many. While modern coffee makers have made brewing a cup of joe incredibly convenient, there’s something special about the old-school method of making coffee on the stove. This traditional approach not only connects us with the roots of coffee culture but also allows us to savor the process and the rich flavors it produces. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the art of making coffee on the stove, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned coffee enthusiast.

Make coffee on the stove

Ingredients and Equipment

Before we begin, let’s gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment for the step-by-step process:

  1. Coffee Beans: Start with high-quality coffee beans. Freshly ground beans are preferable, as they offer a more robust and aromatic flavor. Aim for a medium-coarse grind, similar to sea salt.
  2. Water: Use cold, filtered water. The quality of the water significantly impacts the taste of your coffee, so avoid using tap water with a strong chlorine taste.
  3. Stovetop Coffee Maker: You will need a stovetop coffee maker, also known as a moka pot or espresso pot. These come in various sizes, but a 3-cup or 6-cup pot is perfect for most households.
  4. Heat Source: You’ll need access to a stove or a cooktop to heat the water and brew the coffee.
  5. Coffee Grinder: If you’re using whole beans, a coffee grinder is essential to achieve the right coarseness.
  6. Timer: Having a timer or a smartphone with a timer app will help you keep track of the brewing time.

Now that you have everything you need, let’s explore the step-by-step process of making coffee on the stove.

Step 1: Prepare Your Coffee Maker

Begin by disassembling your stovetop coffee maker. It typically consists of three parts: the bottom chamber for water, a middle chamber for ground coffee, and the top chamber for collecting the brewed coffee. It is important to ensure that every component is thoroughly cleaned and completely dry.

Step 2: Measure the Coffee and Water

For a 6-cup stovetop coffee maker, you’ll need about 18-20 grams (about 2 tablespoons) of ground coffee. Adjust the amount based on your taste preferences, keeping in mind that a finer grind will produce a stronger brew. Measure out the water accordingly, filling the bottom chamber up to just below the safety valve.

Step 3: Assemble the Coffee Maker

Now, place the ground coffee into the middle chamber, leveling it off without pressing it down too firmly. Assemble the coffee maker by screwing the top and bottom chambers together, ensuring a snug fit.

Step 4: Heat the Water

Place the assembled coffee maker on a stove or cooktop. Use medium-low heat to gently warm the water. Heating too quickly can result in burnt coffee, so patience is key. The water will gradually be forced through the coffee grounds as it heats up.

Step 5: Monitor the Brew

As the water heats, you’ll start to hear a gentle hissing sound. Keep a close eye on the coffee maker, and when you notice the first few drops of coffee streaming into the top chamber, it’s time to lower the heat to a minimum. The goal is to brew the coffee slowly, allowing for full extraction without overheating.

Step 6: Brew Time

The entire brewing process typically takes 4-5 minutes, but it can vary based on your stove’s heat source and the grind size of your coffee. To ensure consistent results, set a timer for 4 minutes initially and adjust as needed based on your preferences. You can extend the brewing time slightly for a stronger brew or shorten it for a milder taste.

Step 7: Serve and Enjoy

Once the brewing is complete, remove the coffee maker from the heat source. Carefully pour the freshly brewed coffee into your favorite coffee cup or mug. Be cautious, as the pot and coffee will be hot. You can serve it black or add your preferred amount of sugar, milk, or cream to taste.

Tips for Perfect Stovetop Coffee

  1. Use the Right Grind: Experiment with different grind sizes to find your preferred taste. As a general guideline, a medium-coarse grind is suitable for stovetop coffee makers.
  2. Preheat Water: Using cold water helps maintain the flavors of the coffee. It is recommended to avoid using water that has been left in the kettle for an extended period of time.
  3. Avoid Overheating: Brewing coffee too quickly or at too high a temperature can result in a bitter taste. Keep the heat low and steady for the best results.
  4. Clean Regularly: After each use, disassemble your coffee maker and clean it thoroughly to prevent residue buildup that can affect the taste of your coffee.
  5. Experiment: Don’t hesitate to experiment with different coffee bean varieties, roast levels, and brewing times to find the perfect flavor profile for your palate.

Additional information and tips 

1. Choosing the Right Coffee Beans:

When selecting coffee beans for your stovetop brew, consider the roast level and origin. Different coffee beans offer distinct flavor profiles, so choose beans that align with your taste preferences.

Lighter roasts tend to have brighter, more acidic flavors, while darker roasts have deeper, earthier notes. Experiment with single-origin beans to explore unique flavors from different coffee-growing regions.

2. Water Temperature:

Maintaining the right water temperature is crucial for achieving the best brew. Ideally, the water should be heated to around 195-205°F (90-96°C).

If you don’t have a thermometer, a good rule of thumb is to heat the water until it’s just about to boil, then remove it from the heat source for a moment before pouring it into the coffee maker. This allows it to cool slightly to the optimal temperature.

3. Tamping or Not Tamping:

In traditional espresso preparation, tamping (pressing down on the coffee grounds) is essential to ensure even extraction. However, with stovetop coffee makers, tamping isn’t necessary.

Simply level the coffee grounds in the filter basket without pressing down too firmly. The pressure from the water as it boils and rises will naturally pass through the coffee grounds.

4. Brew Ratios:

Coffee-to-water ratios can be adjusted to suit your taste. A standard ratio is about 1:10, meaning 1 part coffee to 10 parts water. If you prefer a stronger brew, you can use more coffee, or if you prefer a milder taste, use less. Keep in mind that the size of your stovetop coffee maker and personal preferences will influence the ratio.

5. Cleaning and Maintenance:

Proper cleaning and maintenance of your stovetop coffee maker are essential for consistently good coffee. After each use, disassemble the coffee maker, rinse all parts with warm water, and allow them to air dry.

Avoid using soap or abrasive materials, as these can leave residues and alter the coffee’s taste. Periodically, check the filter and gasket for wear and tear, replacing them if needed.

Troubleshooting Common Issues:

If your stovetop coffee doesn’t taste as expected, here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Bitter Coffee: This could result from over-extraction. Try using a coarser grind, reducing the brewing time, or lowering the heat.
  • Weak Coffee: If your brew is too weak, increase the amount of coffee grounds or brew for a longer time.
  • Leaks or Sputtering: Ensure the coffee maker is properly assembled, and there are no grounds obstructing the filter or gasket. Tighten the components securely but not overly tight.

Also Read: How to Clean Your Black and Decker Coffee Maker: A Step-by-Step Guide


What is a stovetop coffee maker called?

A stovetop coffee maker is commonly known by several names, depending on the region and design. One of the most common names for it is “Moka pot.” It’s also sometimes referred to as a “Moka espresso maker” or simply a “Moka.”

This coffee maker is widely used to brew strong, espresso-like coffee on a stovetop, and it’s a popular choice for many coffee enthusiasts. The Moka pot was invented by Alfonso Bialetti in Italy in the 1930s and has since become an iconic coffee brewing method.

Can we boil coffee with milk?

Yes, you can make coffee with milk, and it’s a common way to prepare coffee in many parts of the world. There are several methods to do this:

  1. Adding Milk to Brewed Coffee: This is perhaps the simplest method. You brew your coffee as you normally would, using a drip coffee maker, French press, or any other method you prefer, and then you add milk to it. You can adjust the amount of milk to your taste, creating variations like a café au lait (coffee with steamed milk) or a latte (coffee with frothed milk).
  2. Boiling Coffee and Milk Together: In some traditional recipes, especially in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisines, coffee and milk are boiled together with sugar and spices to make beverages like Turkish coffee or Indian chai. These methods involve combining coffee, milk, and other flavorings and heating them together until they come to a boil.
  3. Instant Coffee with Milk: If you’re using instant coffee, it’s easy to prepare coffee with milk. Simply mix the instant coffee granules with hot milk instead of water. You can also add sugar or flavorings if desired.
  4. Espresso-Based Drinks: Espresso-based drinks, like lattes and cappuccinos, are made with espresso shots and steamed milk. The milk is frothed to create a creamy texture. You can also make these at home if you have an espresso machine or an espresso stovetop maker like a Moka pot.

Keep in mind that when you boil milk, you should do so at a lower temperature and stir it often to prevent scorching or boiling over. Additionally, some people prefer to froth or steam the milk for a creamier texture, which is commonly done for drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

Is stovetop coffee stronger?

Stovetop coffee, brewed using a Moka pot or similar stovetop espresso makers, is often perceived as stronger or more concentrated than drip coffee. However, the strength of coffee is subjective and can depend on various factors, including the coffee-to-water ratio, the type of coffee beans, the grind size, and personal taste preferences.

Here are some reasons why stovetop coffee is often considered stronger:

  1. Higher Coffee-to-Water Ratio: Stovetop espresso makers typically use a higher coffee-to-water ratio compared to drip coffee makers. This means that more coffee grounds are used for a smaller amount of water, resulting in a more concentrated brew.
  2. Pressure Brewing: Stovetop espresso makers operate by passing hot water through a compact bed of coffee grounds under pressure, similar to how espresso machines work. This method extracts more flavor and compounds from the coffee grounds, contributing to a bolder and more intense taste.
  3. Shorter Brew Time: Stovetop coffee is brewed relatively quickly, usually in just a few minutes. The shorter brew time also contributes to the perception of strength, as less water is in contact with the coffee grounds for a shorter duration.
  4. Dark Roasts: Stovetop coffee is often made with dark roast coffee beans, which tend to have a stronger and more robust flavor profile compared to lighter roasts.

It’s essential to note that “stronger” coffee doesn’t necessarily mean more caffeine. The caffeine content depends primarily on the type of coffee beans used and the brewing time, not the brewing method itself. The flavor and strength of coffee are subjective, and what one person considers strong, another may find too intense. It all comes down to personal preference, so feel free to experiment with different brewing methods and coffee-to-water ratios to find the strength of coffee that suits your taste best.


Making coffee on the stove is a delightful and timeless method that allows you to savor the art of coffee preparation. With the right equipment, quality beans, and a little patience, you can enjoy a rich, flavorful cup of coffee that’s brewed to perfection.

So, whether you’re looking to enhance your morning routine or host a coffee gathering with friends, mastering the stovetop coffee-making process is a skill well worth acquiring. Cheers to brewing the perfect cup of coffee!

Also read: How To Clean A Coffee Maker Without Vinegar? A Complete Guide

Talha Hanjra

Hi! I'm Talha Hanjra. I have a natural affinity for cutting-edge technological devices, and I enjoy finding solutions to their difficulties. I'll tell you how to fix various outdated gadgets and where to buy the best products. My research and experience will be of tremendous use to you.

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